Source code for prose.core.source

import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Literal, Union

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
from matplotlib.patches import Circle, Ellipse
from photutils.aperture import *
from photutils.isophote import Ellipse as IsoEllipse
from photutils.isophote import EllipseGeometry

color = [0.51, 0.86, 1.0]

__all__ = [

def distance(p1, p2):
    return np.sqrt(np.power(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + np.power(p1[1] - p2[1], 2))

def clean_stars_positions(positions, tolerance=50):
    keep = []

    distance_to_others = np.array(
        [[distance(v, w) for w in positions] for v in positions]
    for i, _distances in enumerate(distance_to_others):
        _distances[i] = np.inf
        close_stars = np.flatnonzero(_distances < tolerance)
        if len(close_stars) == 0:

    return np.unique(keep)

# Note: Why not using photutils.segmentation.SourceCatalog?
# source:
# Main reason is full control and no need to subclass SourceCatalog. Reasons:
# - Ability to Source.plot and Source.aperture differently depending of the type of source
# - Ability to easily instantiate a fake/incomplete source only defined by its coords (output of many detection algorithms like DAOPHOT)
# - We will use it, as region so that users have access to it if needed
# - I don't like this as_scalar behavior, I prefer separate Source and Sources

class Source:
    """A object containing a source information

    This is a Python Data Class, so that most attributes described below can be used as
    keyword-arguments when instantiated

    a: float = 1.0
    """Semi-major axis of the source"""

    b: float = 1.0
    """Semi-minor axis of the source"""

    orientation: float = 0.0
    """Orientation of the source in radians"""

    coords: np.ndarray = None
    """(x,y) pixel coordinates of the source"""

    peak: float = 0.0
    """Peak ADU value of the source"""

    i: int = None
    """Index of the source"""

    discarded: bool = False
    """Whether source is discarded"""

    def from_region(cls, region, keep_region: bool = False, **kwargs):
        """Source from region

        region : skimage.measure.RegionProperties
            An skimage RegionProperties containing the source
        keep_region: bool, optional
            whether to keep region object in source
            other sources attributes to set
        source = cls(
            a=region.axis_major_length / 2,
            b=region.axis_minor_length / 2,
            orientation=np.pi / 2 - region.orientation,
        return source

    def vertexes(self):
        """Coordinates of the Ellipse vertexes, endpoints of the major axis

            vertexes coordinates
        theta = self.orientation
        shifts = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]) * self.a
        return self.coords + (shifts[:, None] * [-1, 1]).T

    def co_vertexes(self):
        """Coordinates of the Ellipse co-vertexes, endpoints of the minor axis

            co-vertexes coordinates
        theta = self.orientation + np.pi / 2
        shifts = np.array([np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta)]) * self.b
        return self.coords + (shifts[:, None] * [-1, 1]).T

    def eccentricity(self):
        """Eccentricity of the source

        return self.b / self.a

    def copy(self):
        """Return a copy of the Source

        copy = self.__class__()
        copy.a = self.a
        copy.b = self.b
        copy.peak = self.peak
        copy.orientation = self.orientation
        copy.i = self.i
        copy.coords = self.coords.copy()
        return copy

    def __copy__(self):
        return self.copy()

    def plot_circle(self, radius, c=color, ax=None, label=True, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        """Plot a circle centered on source

        radius : float
            radii of the circle in pixels
        c : str, optional
            color of the circle, by default color
        ax : Axe, optional
            pyplot axe in which to plot the circle, by default None
        label : bool, optional
            whether to display the Source.i index, by default True
        fontsize : int, optional
            Font size for the source index, by default 12
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()
        circle = Circle(self.coords, radius, fill=None, ec=c, **kwargs)
        if label and self.i is not None:
                *(np.array(self.coords) - [0, 1.5 * radius]),

    def plot_ellipse(self, a=None, c=color, ax=None, label=True, fontsize=12, **kwargs):
        """Plot an ellipse centered on source, with semi-major/minor length defined by the source itself

        n : float
            offset added to the major and minor axis (major axis of the plotted ellipse will be `Source.a + n`)
        c : str, optional
            color of the circle, by default color
        ax : Axe, optional
            pyplot axe in which to plot the circle, by default None
        label : bool, optional
            whether to display the Source.i index, by default True
        fontsize : int, optional
            Font size for the source index, by default 12
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()

        if a is None:
            a = 2 * self.a * 1.1
        ax = plt.gca()
        e = Ellipse(
            height=a * self.eccentricity,

        if label and self.i is not None:
            rad = self.orientation
            label_coord = self.coords + [0, -(np.abs(self.a * rad) + self.b)]
                *label_coord, self.i, c=c, ha="center", va="top", fontsize=fontsize

    def circular_aperture(self, r, scale=True):
        """`photutils.aperture.CircularAperture` centered on the source

        r : float
        scale : bool, optional
            whether to scale r to Source.a, by default True

        if scale:
            radius = r * self.a
            radius = r
        return CircularAperture(self.coords, float(np.abs(radius)))

    def elliptical_aperture(self, r, scale=True):
        """`photutils.aperture.EllipticalAperture` centered on the source

        r : float
            semi-major axis of the aperture. Semi minor will be `r*Source.b/Source.a`
        scale : bool, optional
            whether to scale r to Source.a, by default True

        if scale:
            a, b = r * self.a, r * self.b
            a, b = r, r * self.eccentricity
        return EllipticalAperture(self.coords, a, b, self.orientation)

    def rectangular_aperture(self, r, scale=True):
        if scale:
            a, b = 2 * r * self.a, 2 * r * self.b
            a, b = 2 * r, 2 * r * self.eccentricity
        a = np.max([0.01, a])
        b = np.max([0.01, b])
        return RectangularAperture(
            self.coords, float(np.abs(a)), float(np.abs(b)), self.orientation

    def circular_annulus(self, r0, r1, scale=False):
        if scale:
            r0 = r0 * self.a
            r1 = r1 * self.a
            r0 = r0
            r1 = r1
        return CircularAnnulus(self.coords, r0, r1)

    def elliptical_annulus(self, r0, r1, scale=False):
        if scale:
            a0 = r0 * self.a
            a1, b1 = r1 * self.a, r1 * self.b
            a0 = (r0,)
            a1, b1 = r1, r1 * self.eccentricity
        return EllipticalAnnulus(self.coords, a0, a1, b1, theta=self.orientation)

    def rectangular_annulus(self, r0, r1, scale=False):
        if scale:
            a0 = 2 * r0 * self.a
            a1, b1 = 2 * r1 * self.a, 2 * r1 * self.b
            a0 = r0
            a1, b1 = r1, r1 * self.eccentricity

        a0 = np.max([0.01, a0])
        a1 = np.max([a0 + 0.001, a1])
        b1 = np.max([0.01, b1])

        return RectangularAnnulus(self.coords, a0, a1, b1, theta=self.orientation)

    def fit_isophotes(self, debug=False):
        """Fit a photutils.isophote.Ellipse to the source. Requires the source to be instantiated from a skimage RegionProperties

        debug : bool, optional
            whether to plot the result for debugging, by default False

        output of photutils.isophote.Ellipse.fit_image
        data = self._region.image_intensity
        y0, x0 = np.unravel_index(np.argmax(data), data.shape)
        geometry = EllipseGeometry(
            x0, y0, sma=self.a / 2, eps=self.eccentricity, pa=self.orientation
        ellipse = IsoEllipse(data - np.median(data), geometry)
        isolist = ellipse.fit_image()

        if debug:
            smas = np.linspace(3, 20, 15)
            for sma in smas:
                iso = isolist.get_closest(sma)
                ) = iso.sampled_coordinates()
                plt.plot(x, y, color="white")

        return isolist

    def _symbol(self):
        return "?"

    def _desc(self):
        return (
            f"{self._symbol} {self.__class__.__name__}" + f" {self.i}"
            if self.i is not None
            else ""

    def _repr_dict(self, n=8):
        return {
            "coords": f"{self.coords[0]:.2f}".rjust(n)
            + f"{self.coords[1]:.2f}".rjust(n),
            "a, b": f"{self.a:.2f}".rjust(n) + f"{self.b:.2f}".rjust(n),
            "e": f"{self.b/self.a:.2f}".rjust(n),

    def __str__(self):
        table = "\n".join(
            [f"  {n}".ljust(8) + f"{v}" for n, v in self._repr_dict().items()]
        return f"{self._desc}\n  {'-'*(len(self._desc)-2)}\n{table}"

    def centroid_isophote(self):
        isolist = self.fit_isophotes()
        origin = np.array(self._region.bbox)[0:2][::-1]
        return np.array([isolist[0].x0, isolist[0].y0]) + origin

    def centroid_max(self):
        y0, x0 = np.unravel_index(
            np.argmax(self._region.image_intensity), self._region.image.shape
        dy, dx, _, _ = self._region.bbox
        return np.array([x0 + dx, y0 + dy])

    def area(self):
        """Area of the source as :code:`a*b`

        return self.a * self.b

def auto_source(region, i=None, trace=0.3, extended=0.9, discard=False):
    if region is None:
        return DiscardedSource.from_region(region, i=i)
    a = region.axis_major_length
    b = region.axis_minor_length
    if a == 0.0:
        if discard:
            return DiscardedSource.from_region(region, i=i)
            return PointSource.from_region(region, i=i)
    eccentricity = b / a
    if eccentricity <= extended:
        if eccentricity <= trace:
            return TraceSource.from_region(region, i=i)
            return ExtendedSource.from_region(region, i=i)
        return PointSource.from_region(region, i=i)

class DiscardedSource(Source):
    def __init__(self, region, i=None):
        super().__init__(region, i=i)
        self.discarded = True

    def plot(self, ms=15, c="C0", ax=None, **kwargs):
        if ax is None:
            ax = plt.gca()
        ax.plot(*self.coords, "x", c=c, ms=ms, **kwargs)

[docs]class PointSource(Source): """Point source (star)""" @property def _symbol(self): return chr(8226)
[docs] def plot(self, radius=15, **kwargs): """Plot circle centered on source Parameters ---------- radius : int, optional radius, by default 15 """ self.plot_circle(radius, **kwargs)
[docs] def aperture(self, r=1, scale=True): return self.circular_aperture(r, scale=scale)
[docs] def annulus(self, r0=1.05, r1=1.4, scale=True): return self.circular_annulus(r0, r1, scale=scale)
[docs]class ExtendedSource(Source): """Extended source (comet, galaxy or lensed source)""" @property def _symbol(self): return chr(11053)
[docs] def plot(self, radius=None, **kwargs): """Plot Ellipse on source Parameters ---------- radius : int, optional extension to minor/major axis, by default 6 """ self.plot_ellipse(radius, **kwargs)
[docs] def aperture(self, r=1, scale=True): return self.elliptical_aperture(r, scale=scale)
[docs] def annulus(self, r0=1.05, r1=1.4, scale=True): return self.elliptical_annulus(r0, r1, scale=scale)
[docs]class TraceSource(Source): """Trace source (diffracted spectrum, satellite streak or cosmic ray)"""
[docs] def plot(self, offset=10, ax=None, c=color, label=True, fontsize=12): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(*self.vertexes.T, c=c) if label and self.i is not None: label_coords = self.coords + [0, -offset] plt.text( *label_coords, self.i, c=c, ha="center", va="top", fontsize=fontsize )
[docs] def aperture(self, r=1, scale=True): return self.rectangular_aperture(r, scale=scale)
[docs] def annulus(self, r0=1.05, r1=1.4, scale=True): return self.rectangular_annulus(r0, r1, scale=scale)
@dataclass class Sources: sources: list = None """List of sources""" type: Literal["PointSource", None] = None """Source type""" source_type: Literal["PointSource", None] = None """Legacy source type""" def __post_init__(self): if self.sources is None: self.sources = [] self.type = self.source_type if isinstance(self.sources, np.ndarray): if self.sources.dtype != object: self.sources = [ PointSource(coords=s, i=i) for i, s in enumerate(self.sources) ] self.type = "PointSource" if self.type is not None: for s in self.sources: assert ( s.__class__.__name__ == self.type ), f"list can only contain {self.type}" self.sources = np.array(self.sources) def __getitem__(self, i): if np.isscalar(i): i = int(i) return self.sources[i] else: return self.__class__(self.sources[i]) def __len__(self): return len(self.sources) def __str__(self): return str(self.sources) def __repr__(self): return self.sources.__repr__() def copy(self): return copy.deepcopy(self) def __copy__(self): return self.copy() @property def coords(self): return np.array([source.coords for source in self.sources]) @coords.setter def coords(self, new_coords): for source, new_coord in zip(self.sources, new_coords): source.coords = new_coord def apertures(self, r, scale=False): if self.type == "PointSource": return CircularAperture(self.coords, r) else: return [source.aperture(r, scale=scale) for source in self.sources] def annulus(self, rin, rout, scale=False): if self.type == "PointSource": return CircularAnnulus(self.coords, rin, rout) else: return [source.annulus(rin, rout, scale=scale) for source in self.sources] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): for s in self.sources: s.plot(*args, **kwargs)