Source code for prose.blocks.detection

import numpy as np
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from photutils.detection import DAOStarFinder
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from skimage.measure import label, regionprops

from prose import Block, Image
from prose.console_utils import info
from prose.core.source import *

__all__ = [

class _SourceDetection(Block):
    def __init__(
        threshold: float = 4,
        n: int = None,
        sort: bool = True,
        min_separation: float = None,
        min_area: float = 0,
        minor_length: float = 0,
        name: str = None,
        """Base class for sources detection.

        |read| :code:``

        threshold : float, optional
            detection threshold for sources, by default 4
        n : int, optional
            number of sources to detect, by default None
        sort : bool, optional
            whether to sort per ADU peak value (from the greatest), by default True
        min_separation : float, optional
            minimum separation in pixels from one source to the other. Between two sources, greater ADU is kept, by default None
        min_area : float, optional
            minimum area in pixels of the sources to detect, by default 0
        minor_length : float, optional
            minimum length of semi-major axis of sources to detect, by default 0
        name : str, optional
            name of the block, by default None
        super().__init__(name=name, read=["data"])
        self.n = n
        self.sort = sort
        self.min_separation = min_separation
        self.threshold = threshold
        self.min_area = min_area
        self.minor_length = minor_length

    def clean(self, sources):
        peaks = np.array([s.peak for s in sources])
        _sources = sources.copy()

        if len(sources) > 0:
            if self.sort:
                idxs = np.argsort(peaks)[::-1]
                _sources = sources[idxs]
            if self.min_separation:
                final_sources = _sources.copy()

                for s in final_sources:
                    s.keep = True

                for i, s in enumerate(final_sources):
                    if final_sources[i].keep:
                        distances = np.linalg.norm(
                            s.coords - final_sources.coords, axis=1
                        distances[i] == np.nan
                        idxs = np.flatnonzero(distances < self.min_separation)
                        for j in idxs[idxs > i]:
                            final_sources[int(j)].keep = False

                _sources = _sources[np.array([s.keep for s in final_sources])]

            for i, s in enumerate(_sources):
                s.i = i

            if self.n is not None:
                _sources = _sources[0 : self.n]

            return _sources

            return []

    # TODO: obsolete, redo
    def auto_threshold(self, image):
        if self.verbose:
            info("SegmentedPeaks threshold optimisation ...")
        thresholds = np.exp(np.linspace(np.log(1.5), np.log(500), 30))
        detected = [len(self._regions(image, t)) for t in thresholds]
        self.threshold = interp1d(detected, thresholds, fill_value="extrapolate")(

        if self.verbose:
            info(f"threshold = {self.threshold:.2f}")

    def regions(self, image: Image, threshold=None):
        flat_data =
        median = np.nanmedian(flat_data)
        if threshold is None:
            threshold = self.threshold

        flat_data = flat_data[np.abs(flat_data - median) < np.nanstd(flat_data)]
        threshold = threshold * np.nanstd(flat_data) + median

        regions = regionprops(label( > threshold),
        regions = [
            for r in regions
            if r.area >= self.min_area and r.axis_major_length >= self.minor_length

        return regions

    def citations(self):
        return super().citations + ["scikit-image"]

[docs]class AutoSourceDetection(_SourceDetection): def __init__( self, threshold=4, n=None, sort=True, min_separation=None, name=None, min_area=0, minor_length=0, ): """Detect all sources. |read| :code:`` |write| :code:`Image.sources` Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional detection threshold for sources, by default 4 n : int, optional number of sources to detect, by default None sort : bool, optional whether to sort per ADU peak value (from the greatest), by default True min_separation : float, optional minimum separation in pixels from one source to the other. Between two sources, greater ADU is kept, by default None min_area : str, optional minimum area in pixels of the sources to detect, by default 0 minor_length : str, optional minimum length of semi-major axis of sources to detect, by default 0 name : str, optional name of the block, by default None """ super().__init__( threshold=threshold, n=n, sort=sort, min_separation=min_separation, name=name, min_area=min_area, minor_length=minor_length, ) def run(self, image): regions = self.regions(image) sources = np.array([auto_source(region) for region in regions]) image.sources = Sources(self.clean(sources))
[docs]class PointSourceDetection(_SourceDetection): def __init__(self, unit_euler=False, min_area=3, minor_length=2, **kwargs): """Detect point sources (as :py:class:`~prose.core.source.PointSource`). |read| :code:`` |write| :code:`Image.sources` Parameters ---------- unit_euler : bool, optional whether to consider sources with euler number == 1, by default False min_area : str, optional minimum area in pixels of the sources to detect, by default 0 minor_length : str, optional minimum length of semi-major axis of sources to detect, by default 0 threshold : float, optional detection threshold for sources, by default 4 n : int, optional number of sources to detect, by default None sort : bool, optional whether to sort per ADU peak value (from the greatest), by default True min_separation : float, optional minimum separation in pixels from one source to the other. Between two sources, greater ADU is kept, by default None name : str, optional name of the block, by default None """ super().__init__(min_area=min_area, minor_length=minor_length, **kwargs) self.unit_euler = unit_euler self.min_area = min_area self.minor_length = minor_length def run(self, image): regions = self.regions(image) if self.unit_euler: idxs = np.flatnonzero([r.euler_number == 1 for r in regions]) regions = [regions[i] for i in idxs] sources = Sources( np.array([PointSource.from_region(region) for region in regions]) ) image.sources = Sources(self.clean(sources), type="PointSource")
[docs]class TraceDetection(_SourceDetection): def __init__(self, minor_length=5, **kwargs): """Detect trace sources (as :py:class:`~prose.core.source.TraceSource`) Parameters ---------- minor_length : str, optional minimum length of semi-major axis of sources to detect, by default 0 min_area : str, optional minimum area in pixels of the sources to detect, by default 0 threshold : float, optional detection threshold for sources, by default 4 n : int, optional number of sources to detect, by default None sort : bool, optional whether to sort per ADU peak value (from the greatest), by default True min_separation : float, optional minimum separation in pixels from one source to the other. Between two sources, greater ADU is kept, by default None name : str, optional name of the block, by default None """ super().__init__(minor_length=minor_length, **kwargs) def run(self, image): regions = self.regions(image) sources = np.array([TraceSource.from_region(region) for region in regions]) image.sources = Sources(sources)
# backward compatibility
[docs]class SegmentedPeaks(PointSourceDetection): def __init__( self, unit_euler=False, min_area=3, minor_length=2, n_stars=None, **kwargs ): """Detect point sources (backward compatibility) Same as :py:class:`~prose.blocks.PointSourceDetection` """ super().__init__( n=n_stars, min_area=min_area, minor_length=minor_length, **kwargs ) self.unit_euler = unit_euler self.min_area = min_area self.minor_length = minor_length
# TODO: document
[docs]class Peaks(Block): def __init__(self, shape=11, **kwargs): """Computation of peak values for the detected stars (in ADUs). Parameters ---------- shape : int, optional size of the cutout image within which the peak is calculated, by default 11 """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.shape = shape def run(self, image, **kwargs): idxs = np.arange(len(image.sources)) peaks = np.ones(len(idxs)) * -1 for j in idxs: cut = image.cutout(image.sources.coords[j], shape=self.shape) if cut is not None: peaks[j] = image.peaks = peaks
class _SimplePointSourceDetection(_SourceDetection): def __init__(self, n_stars=None, min_separation=None, sort=True, name=None): super().__init__(n=n_stars, sort=sort, min_separation=min_separation, name=name) def run(self, image): coordinates, peaks = self.detect(image) sources = np.array( [PointSource(coords=c, peak=p) for c, p in zip(coordinates, peaks)] ) image.sources = Sources(self.clean(sources), type="PointSource")
[docs]class DAOFindStars(_SimplePointSourceDetection): """ DAOPHOT stars detection with :code:`photutils` implementation. |write| ``Image.stars_coords`` and ``Image.peaks`` Parameters ---------- sigma_clip : float, optional sigma clipping factor used to evaluate background, by default 2.5 lower_snr : int, optional minimum snr (as source_flux/background), by default 5 fwhm : int, optional typical fwhm of image psf, by default 5 n_stars : int, optional maximum number of stars to consider, by default None min_separation : float, optional minimum separation between sources, by default 5.0. If less than that, close sources are merged sort : bool, optional whether to sort stars coordinates from the highest to the lowest intensity, by default True """ def __init__( self, sigma_clip=2.5, lower_snr=5, fwhm=5, n_stars=None, min_separation=None, sort=True, name=None, ): super().__init__( n_stars=n_stars, sort=sort, min_separation=min_separation, name=name ) self.sigma_clip = sigma_clip self.lower_snr = lower_snr self.fwhm = fwhm def detect(self, image): _, median, std = sigma_clipped_stats(, sigma=self.sigma_clip) finder = DAOStarFinder(fwhm=self.fwhm, threshold=self.lower_snr * std) sources = finder( - median) coordinates = np.transpose( np.array([sources["xcentroid"].data, sources["ycentroid"].data]) ) peaks = sources["peak"] return coordinates, peaks
try: from sep import extract except: raise AssertionError("sep not installed")
[docs]class SEDetection(_SimplePointSourceDetection): def __init__( self, threshold=2.5, n_stars=None, min_separation=None, sort=True, name=None ): """ Source Extractor detection. |write| ``Image.sources`` and ``Image.peaks`` Parameters ---------- threshold : float, optional threshold factor for which to consider pixel as potential sources, by default 1.5 n_stars : int, optional maximum number of stars to consider, by default None min_separation : float, optional minimum separation between sources, by default 5.0. If less than that, close sources are merged sort : bool, optional whether to sort stars coordinates from the highest to the lowest intensity, by default True """ super().__init__( n_stars=n_stars, sort=sort, min_separation=min_separation, name=name ) self.threshold = threshold def detect(self, image): data = sep_data = extract(, self.threshold * np.median(data)) coordinates = np.array([sep_data["x"], sep_data["y"]]).T fluxes = np.array(sep_data["flux"]) return coordinates, fluxes @property def citations(self): return super().citations + ["sep"]
[docs]class AlignSources(Block): pass # TODO